"The furthest I can remember are the glimpses of cold cells, and others screaming and crying." "Where everything hurt... Exhaustion and anger. ""I remember seeing Haru. Lucile too. But... They were different..?""They both had scales back then.. Like a normal Raen...""Then- There... Was a researcher..? They were always rambling on and on but I could never understand what they were saying... It was like he was chanting...""One of the guards mentioned voidsents, and black magic... Each time I was brought back to my cell he would always be surprised that I was still alive...""There would be strange creatures in tanks... And numerous attempts... Of trying to pull something from the creatures with their magic and then forcing it into me...""Every time it would hurt... It was so painful. And they would always get so angry...""It hurt so much... Sometimes I would cough up blood... Sometimes I would vomit... Other times I would pass out...""But once, after all that... I remember fire, everything shaking and the walls around and above me collapsing then waking in a field of white...""Afterwards I saw dad picking up Haru and talking to uncle Cro... But this was before they adopted us girls... They were talking about returning home for rest... Hungry... I crawled my tired body way closer and tried to follow them... Dad eventually came over to me and scooped me up along with Haru and brought us both home to Goblet.""And now, I am safe with my new family"